Lex Fridman Library

This is a library of book recommendations of all guests of the Lex Fridman Podcast

Aired on 2020-11-13

#138 - Yaron Brook - Ayn Rand and the Philosophy of Objectivism

Aired on 2020-10-21

#132 - George Hotz - Hacking the Simulation & Learning to Drive with Neural Nets

Aired on 2020-10-04

#129 - Lisa Feldman Barrett - Counterintuitive Ideas About How the Brain Works

Aired on 2020-09-26

#127 - Joe Rogan - Conversations, Ideas, Love, Freedom & the Joe Rogan Experience

Aired on 2020-09-20

#125 - Ryan Hall - Martial Arts and the Philosophy of Violence, Power, and Grace

Aired on 2020-09-15

#124 - Stephen Wolfram - Fundamental Theory of Physics, Life, and the Universe | Lex Fridman Podcast

Aired on 2020-08-30

#120 - François Chollet - Measures of Intelligence

Aired on 2020-08-25

#119 - David Eagleman - Neuroplasticity and the Livewired Brain

Aired on 2020-08-23

#118 - Grant Sanderson - Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown

Aired on 2020-08-15

#116 - Sara Seager - Search for Planets and Life Outside Our Solar System

Aired on 2020-08-14

#115 - Dileep George - Brain-Inspired AI

Aired on 2020-09-09

#114 - Russ Tedrake - Underactuated Robotics, Control, Dynamics and Touch

Aired on 2020-07-29

#112 - Ian Hutchinson - Nuclear Fusion, Plasma Physics, and Religion

Aired on 2020-07-18

#109 - Brian Kernighan - UNIX, C, AWK, AMPL, and Go Programming

Aired on 2020-07-08

#107 - Peter Singer - Suffering in Humans, Animals, and AI

Aired on 2020-06-27

#104 - David Patterson - Computer Architecture and Data Storage

Aired on 2020-06-22

#103 - Ben Goertzel - Artificial General Intelligence

Aired on 2020-06-20

#102 - Steven Pressfield - The War of Art

Aired on 2020-05-15

#96 - Stephen Schwarzman - Going Big in Business, Investing, and AI

Aired on 2020-04-30

#92 - Harry Cliff - Particle Physics and the Large Hadron Collider

Aired on 2020-04-24

#91 - Jack Dorsey - Square, Cryptocurrency, and Artificial Intelligence

Aired on 2020-04-18

#89 - Stephen Wolfram - Cellular Automata, Computation, and Physics

Aired on 2020-04-03

#86 - David Silver - AlphaGo, AlphaZero, and Deep Reinforcement Learning

Aired on 2020-03-31

#85 - Roger Penrose - Physics of Consciousness and the Infinite Universe

Aired on 2020-03-29

#84 - William MacAskill - Effective Altruism

Aired on 2020-03-26

#83 - Nick Bostrom - Simulation and Superintelligence

Aired on 2020-03-21

#82 - Simon Sinek - Leadership, Hard Work, Optimism and the Infinite Game

Aired on 2020-03-19

#81 - Anca Dragan - Human-Robot Interaction and Reward Engineering

Aired on 2020-03-16

#80 - Vitalik Buterin - Ethereum, Cryptocurrency, and the Future of Money

Aired on 2020-03-07

#79 - Lee Smolin - Quantum Gravity and Einstein's Unfinished Revolution

Aired on 2020-02-29

#76 - John Hopfield - Physics View of the Mind and Neurobiology

Aired on 2020-02-26

#75 - Marcus Hutter - Universal Artificial Intelligence, AIXI, and AGI

Aired on 2020-01-29

#69 - David Chalmers - The Hard Problem of Consciousness

Aired on 2020-01-21

#67 - Paul Krugman - Economics of Innovation, Automation, Safety Nets & UBI

Aired on 2020-01-14

#65 - Daniel Kahneman - Thinking Fast and Slow, Deep Learning, and AI

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